Inspection system for in use pesticide application equiupment in Greece. First three years of application


  • G. Bourodimos Hellenic Agricultural Organisation - DEMETER, Agricultural Engineering Department, Dimokratias Avenue 61, Ag. Anargiri, Athens, Greece
  • A. T, Balafoutis Centre of Research & Technology Hellas, Institute for Bio-Economy & Agro-Technology, 6th km of Charilaou- Thermi Road, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • M. Giamouri Hellenic Agricultural Organisation - DEMETER, Agricultural Engineering Department, Dimokratias Avenue 61, Ag. Anargiri, Athens, Greece
  • S. Fountas Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering, Iera Odos 75, 11855, Athens, Greece


According to Directive 2009/128/EC, all member states should have inspected all in-use Pesticide Application Equipment (PAE) by November 2016. In Greece, Law 4036/2012 embodied the provisions of this Directive into Greek legislation, but unfortunately due to various reasons, the inspections were significantly delayed. Aim of the current study is to briefly present the inspection system of in-use PAE that was developed due to the aforementioned law and then provide the statistical results of the inspections until February 2018. The progress of the last two years was significant, but a lot of work remains to make the inspection system functional and unproblematic.


