<strong>Nematodes 1</strong>


  • Contributed Papers


  • Measuring entomopathogenic nematode activity, abundance and soil food web assemblage in Swiss wheat and maize cultivation
    Raquel Campos-Herrera, Geoffrey Jaffuel, Xavier Chiriboga, Rubén Blanco-Pérez, Marie Fesselet, Vladimir Půža, Fabio Mascher, Ted C.J. Turlings

  • Biocontrol and nutrition: understanding the role of environment in the trait deterioration of an entomopathogenic nematode symbiont
    Dana Blackburn, Burke Crawford, and Byron Adams

  • Insect-killing nematodes also kill competitors: lethal malemale fighting in Steinernema
    Annemie Zenner, Kathryn O’Callaghan and Christine Griffin

  • Comparison of Life History Traits of the Entomopathogenic Nematodes Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema riobrave
    Temesgen Addis, Asmamaw Teshome, Olaf Strauch and Ralf-Udo Ehlers

  • How does plant domestication influence entomopathogenic nematodes as potential biological control agents?
    Monique Rivera, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Hans T. Alborn, Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer

  • Analysis of intraspecific variability in Steinernema kraussei populations using PCA
    M. Clausi, G. Rappazzo, E. Tarasco, D. Leone, M.T.Vinciguerra

  • Population genetic structure of entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema affine (Steinernematidae: Nematoda) inferred using microsatellite markers
    Vladimír Půža, Martina Žurovcová, Jiří Nermuť, Daniela Chundelová, Zdeněk Mráček

  • Eat or Be Eaten: Fungus and Nematode Switch off as Predator and Prey
    E. Erin Morris and Ann E. Hajek


