Applicability evaluation of draft test protocol for functional inspection of solid fumigant applicators.


  • Gianluca Oggero Department of Agricultural Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA), University of Torino (Italy), L.go Braccini 2, 10095 Grugliasco
  • Paolo Balsari Department of Agricultural Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA), University of Torino (Italy), L.go Braccini 2, 10095 Grugliasco
  • Andrea Minuto CeRSAA – Experimentation and technical assistance in agriculture - Albenga (SV)
  • Paolo Vinotti CeRSAA – Experimentation and technical assistance in agriculture - Albenga (SV)


The applicability of draft test protocol for functional inspection of solid fumigant applicators has been checked.
Two widespread machine models, normally used in horticultural farm of Liguria Region (north-west Italy) for broadcast soil fumigation were tested.
Pre-inspection phase does not show specific problems; also the functional inspection phase, both for visual check operation -presence or not of some devices on the machines- and for test of they function if present, does not show specific hurdles.
In particular the test of distribution uniformity, performed using rubber granules as blank test, give some indications on how to modify the current test protocol draft. The modification consist in change the admissible threshold; the maximum deviation of each distribution pipe, relative to the mean value, have to be varied from 10% (current draft) to 15%. Furthermore, it is suggested an alternate method to assess the distribution uniformity of rubber granules; this method considers the use of horizontal patternator fitted by grooves similar to that used to check the distribution uniformity of boom sprayers. The proposed method will facilitate the coefficient of variation (CV) calculation.


