Report on the legal framework governing the use of nutrient rich side streams (NRSS) as biobased fertilisers (BBFs) - EU legislation


  • Sylvia Kratz Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Institute for Crop and Soil Science, Germany
  • Ludwig Hermann Proman Consulting



This report forms part of Deliverable 1.2 from Work Package 1 in the LEX4BIO project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (see acknowledgement). It describes European legislation on fertilising products for conventional and organic farming, as well as other legislation that is relevant in the context of using nutrient-rich sidestreams (NRSS) as biobased fertilisers (BBFs). In particular, legislation on waste management, ground and surface water quality, climate/renewable energy as well as legislation related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is covered in this report. The report is intended as a handbook and reference for stakeholders, researchers and all others working or interested in the field of biobased fertilisers. This report forms part A of a deliverable from WP1 that will consist of two parts. It will be complemented at a later stage of the project with part B, which will cover national legislation of the European Member States.


