<strong>Developments/Issues in the Regulation of Microbial Products: Harmonization across Jurisdictions</strong>


  • Contributed Papers


Symposium 5 (Microbial Control)


  • The authorisation and regulation of microbial biopesticides: why bother?
    David Chandler, Liam Harvey & Wyn Grant

  • Registration of Biopesticides in the EU: a company perspective
    Philip Kessler

  • Biopesticide registration, a company perspective and how registration influences biopesticide R&D approach of companies in North American
    Jarrod Leland

  • Registration of biopesticides: how research can be structured to suit microbial registration needs and promote the commercial development of new biopesticides
    Roma Gwynn

  • Current developments and issues on regulation of biopesticides- Lessons from REBECA project, comparison of EU and USA systems
    Sabine Asser-Kaiser, Jacqueline Süß, Rüdiger Hauschild


