Periodical honey bee colony losses in Germany: preliminary results from a four years monitoring project


  • Martina Janke LAVES Institut für Bienenkunde Celle, Herzogin-Eleonore-Allee 5, D-29221 Celle, Germany
  • Peter Rosenkranz Universität Hohenheim, Landesanstalt für Bienenkunde, August-von-Hartmann Straße 13, 70599 Stuttgart


contribution to session V

Honey bee poisoning incidents and monitoring schemes

Within the framework of the German Bee Monitoring Project winter losses of bee colonies were evaluated from the database of 120 beekeepers and 1200 bee colonies by assessing the following parameters: data on the apiary (site, nuclei, movement of colonies, Varroa treatment), strength of the colonies in autumn and spring, honey yields, residues in bee bread (stored pollen), bee disease analysis.

During the last four years the winter losses of the monitoring beekeepers were between 8 and 16% and showed regional differences. The loss rates were clearly lower than those of non-monitoring beekeepers.

In 215 bee bread samples analysed with a sensitive multi-method, more than 55 active ingredients were found. Most active ingredients were found in traces but often in combinations. Primarily fungicides, varroacides and herbicides were found. Clothianidin was not found in any sample. Imidacloprid was found in one sample at the limit of detection. 4400 data sets were statistically analysed for the identification of triggers with negative influence on overwintering. The winter losses were significantly correlated with Varroa infestations and virus infections in autumn. It was concluded that no acute effects on honey bees have to be expected on the basis of the evaluated residue data. For testing potential sublethal or long term effects a useful test design has to be developed. The project will be continued in 2009.

Keywords: German Bee Monitoring Project, colony losses, Apis mellifera, overwintering


