Instructions for Authors

Authors are requested to use the following .docx template to prepare manuscripts. Examples on correct formatting are given in the template. We reserve the right to reject manuscripts produced in another format.

VITIS article template

If you use EndNote for reference management you can download the VITIS style file here:

If you use Citavi for reference management the VITIS style is available by default in the software.

Photos and figures in colour and black and white are accepted embedded in the manuscript at the intended position in the text. Positioning may change during layout production.

Please provide DOIs where available in the reference section like in the examples given.

Manuscripts are limited to eight printed pages except for reviews. We reserve the right to reject overlong manuscripts.

The final size of a paper may be approximated as follows: One page usually has two columns with 59 lines each with about 55 characters per line. Research notes are limited to two pages (approx. 8000 characters, including a small table or figure). Cultivar descriptions are usually published as research note. Cultivar names must be written as follows: 'Chardonnay'. Articles describing grapevine cultivars must be submitted as research note. Descriptions of newly bred cultivars must be submitted along with passport data for database entry (Vitis International Variety Catalogue).

Supplemental material can be submitted, too.




Creative Commons License Vitis does not charge publication fees and is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

VITIS is published quarterly as one volume of four numbers.


VITIS - Journal of Grapevine Research — Published by: JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen,
Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof, 76833 Siebeldingen, Germany.
Tel.: +49-6345-410. Fax:+49-6345-41179. E-mail:
Editorial Board: Dir. u. Prof. Dr. habil. R. Töpfer and Dr. W. Köglmeier.
Technical realisation: Renate Donadel.