About the Journal

Focus and Scope

VITIS appears in one volume per year, articles are published progressively. VITIS publishes original scientific papers and critical reviews concerning grapevine biology, molecular biology, breeding, plant pathology, oenology and related fields. Research with a focus on pharmacology or post-harvest technology is not suitbale for publication in VITIS.

Peer Review Process

Each submitted manuscript will be evaluated on the following basis: + the originality of its contribution + the soundness of its theory and methodology + the conclusiveness of its analysis + the ability to communicate to readers (grammar, style, quality of figures and tables).

After an initial evaluation for relevance, originality and quality by the editor, manuscripts will be peer reviewed by one or more anonymous reviewers.

Publication Frequency

VITIS is published as one volume per year since 2024. Individual articles are added progressively to this volume throughout the year.

A manuscript will be published online after corrected galley proofs have been sent by the author and copyediting and layout is completed.


Indexing in VITIS-VEA

The content of the journal is indexed and stored with full text in VITIS-VEA (http://www.vitis-vea.de). It is an international literature database in the following fields: morphology; physiology and biochemistry of grapevines; soil science; genetics and grapevine breeding; phytopathology and grapevine protection; cellar techniques; economics of viticulture and enology; enology; microbiology of wine. In addition, since 1994: Technical articles from German language journals

Sources of Support

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Journal History

Vitis was founded in 1957 by Bernhard Husfeld.
Online back-issues are available from 1957 onwards. Full texts of all publications of Vitis since 1957 can also be found in the database Vitis-VEA.
Since 2015 in addition to the print publication, Vitis is published as open source online journal.
From 2022 onwards, Vitis is published as open source online journal. The print version is no longer available.

former print ISSN 0042-7500