Uso de polietileno de color blanco y negro como mulch de un viñedo en espaldera cv. Torontel (<i>Vitis vinifera</i> L.)


  • Sofia Volosky Y.



A través de las variables consideradas, puede concluirse que en los 2 años controlados, el uso de mulch de color blanco y negro, es positivo tanto sobre el control de las malezas como sobre el desarrollo vegetativo. Este último, en las condiciones del ensayo, parece proyectarse sobre la producción de la planta, aunque por la naturaleza de esta especie y por tratarse de los 2 primeros años, los resultados no son categóricos; sin embargo, podrían presentar interés para viñedos establecidos a altas densidades.

Use of white and black polyethylene as a mulch in a vineyard of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Torontel trained to double Guyot system

Black and white polyethylene films were tested as a mulch around the base of plants of a young Vitis vinifera L. vineyard (cv. Torontel) located in the Santiago valley.
Evaluations conducted during the 2 seasons following planting showed complete weed control in the mulched plots and significant differences in shoot growth throughout the season. The weight of pruned canes, as an index of plant vigor, was high-significantly increased in the mulched plots.
A more favorable tendency in production was observed in the mulched compared with the check plots. However, due to the nature of this species and to the fact that the vines were still too young, this tendency should not be regarded as an expression of crop potential.





