1.12 Selection matrix for Brazilian bee species to risk assessment of pesticides


  • Flavia Viana-Silva Ibama
  • Carmen Pires Embrapa
  • Karoline Torezani Embrapa
  • Leandro Borges Ibama
  • Karina Cham Ibama
  • Christiane Dias Ibama
  • Ivan Teixeira Ibama
  • Carlos Tonelli Ibama
  • Ceres Belchior Brazilian Ministry of Environment
  • Cayssa Marcondes Brazilian Ministry of Environment
  • Roberta Nocelli UFSCar
  • Osmar Malaspina Unesp Rio Claro
  • Ana Cione ANDEF
  • Andreia shiva ANDEF
  • Andreia Ferraz ANDEF




Many countries are using honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a surrogate to evaluate the risk of pesticides to all bee species. However, there is uncertainty regarding the extent honey bees can be used as surrogates for non‐Apis species in pesticides risk assessment. A selection matrix for Brazilian bee species was built to support the selection process. To be considered as a candidate representative species in the Brazilian agricultural scenario a bee should have a wide geographic distribution, and be recorded in at least 4 agricultural crops. The selection matrix provides a foundation to elect meliponines (stingless bees) as a priority group. Therefore, in the near future Ibama intends to assess the need for changes in the risk assessment procedure for bees, eventually including a stingless bee as a representative species.


