Poster Session 2 - Workshop Rodent-Borne Diseases


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62 Schistosomiasis in the Senegal River Basin and the role of wild rodents as reservoir hosts
Stefano Catalano, Elsa Léger, Cheikh B. Fall, Anna Borlase, Mariama Sène, Nicolas D. Diouf, Khalilou Bâ, Joanne P. Webster

63 Rodents diversity and pathogen carriage at Limpopo National Park villages, Mozambique
Iara Gomes-Jaintilal, Cristiane Silveira, José Fafetine, Luís Neves

64 Mice in and around the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands, are carriers of Clostridium difficile but not ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella spp. or MRSA
Céline Harmanus, Sara A. Burt

65 Detection of Rickettsia pathogens in small rodents and their ectoparasites in Lithuania
Evelina Kaminskienė, Dalytė Mardosaitė-Busaitienė, Algimantas Paulauskas, Jana Radzijevskaja, Indrė Lipatova, Linas Balčiauskas

66 Detection of Leptospira and seasonal prevalence of fleas collected from rodents in Mukwe Constituency, Kavango-East Region of Namibia
Saima Kapia, Seth J. Eiseb, Loth S. Mulungu, Pablo Tortosa, Steven R. Belmain

67 Rodents from a rice milling station in Bangladesh infected with Toxoplasma gondii
Inge M. Krijger, Jan B.W.J. Cornelissen, Steven R. Belmain, Bastiaan G. Meerburg

68 Leptospirosis and toxoplasmosis in wild rodents in The Netherlands
Inge M. Krijger, Marga G. A. Goris, Ahmed A. Ahmed, Peter W.G. Groot Koerkamp, Bastiaan G. Meerburg

69 Leptospirosis in rodents in peri-urban Bangladesh
Inge M. Krijger, Ahmed A. Ahmed, Marga G.A. Goris, Peter W.G. Groot Koerkamp, Bastiaan G. Meerburg

70 Detection of Bartonella spp. in red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) and their ectoparasites in Lithuania
Indrė Lipatova, Irma Ražanskė, Algimantas Paulauskas

71 Genetic diversity of Bartonella strains in small rodents
Dalytė Mardosaitė-Busaitienė, Jana Radzijevskaja, Algimantas Paulauskas, Linas Balčiauskas, Maksim Bračikov

72 Resistance to last-resort human antimicrobial agents among gram-negative bacteria recovered from Barcelona Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Marta Marí-Almirall, Yaiza Vallejo, Sara Sabaté, Sandra Franco, Laura Muñoz, Maria Nieto , Clara Cosgaya, Jordi Pascual, Ignasi Roca, Tomás Montalvo

73 Evaluation of rodent control to fight Lassa fever through mathematical modelling
Joachim Mariën, Herwig Leirs, N’Faly Magassouba, Elisabeth Fichet-Calvet

74 Responses of rodent reservoirs of zoonotic diseases to anthropogenic land-use change: a meta-analysis
Hugo Mendoza, André V. Rubio, Gabriel E. García-Peñ, Gerardo Suzan, Javier A. Simonetti

75 First bacteriological screening of Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, in Barcelona (Spain)
Tomás Montalvo, Jordi Vila, Sara Sabaté, Beatriz Ramírez, Raquel Planell, Mikel Martínez, Aida Peiró, Jordi Pascual, Sandra Franco, Víctor Peracho

76 Education in health associated with gamification against leptospirosis
Isa B. Neves, Ricardo Lustosa, Patricia Brito, Hussein Khalil, Federico Costa, Michael Begon

77 No role for rodents as alternative hosts for cutaneous leishmaniasis in S. Ethiopia
Myrthe Pareyn, Girma Negatu, Massebo Fekadu, Simon Shibru, Herwig Leirs

78 Puumala hantavirus dynamics in bank voles: identification of environmental correlates to predict human infection risk
Daniela Reil,, Christian Imholt, Ulrike M. Rosenfeld, Sabrina Schmidt, Rainer G. Ulrich, Jana A. Eccard, Jens Jacob

79 Survey on zoonotic helminthiases in Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, from the city of Barcelona
Joan Sanxis,, M. Teresa Galán-Puchades, Jordi Pascual, Rubén Bueno-Marí, Sandra Franco, Víctor Peracho, Tomás Montalvo,, Màrius V. Fuentes


