Sektion 1 Integrierter Pflanzenschutz I


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01-1 - News from the model project „Demonstration farms for integrated pest management“
Hella Kehlenbeck, Jan Helbig, Madeleine Paap, Annett Gummert, Bernd Freier

01-2 - 7 years “Demonstration Farms for Integrated Pest Manangement” in arable farming - results and interim conclusion
Jan Helbig, Madeleine Paap, Hella Kehlenbeck, Annett Gummert, Bernd Freier

01-3 - Best Practice Model: Integrated Pest Management in Carrots in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia
Hermann-Josef Krauthausen, Tanja Aldenhoff, Marlene Leucker, Tim Kollath

01-4 - Pilot project ´Demonstration Farms for Integrated Pest Management´ - subproject hop growing in Bavaria
Regina Obster

01-5 - Can we find trends in the intensity of pesticide use in winter wheat and winter oil seed rape? – Research results from the Network of Reference Farms for plant protection
Silke Dachbrodt-Saaydeh, Jörg Sellmann

01-6 - Use of cultivar resistance in practice – Results of the network reference farms in plant protection in the years 2007 to 2016
Bettina Klocke, Silke Dachbrodt-Saaydeh

01-7 - Spatial and temporal dynamic of Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2IIIB inoculum density in arable soils
Mathias Nottensteiner, Michael Zellner

01-8 - From yield till natural enemies: Effects of an undersown banker plant
Elias Böckmann


