Sektion 4 Pflanzenschutz in Forst und Wald


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04-1 - New damages on Abies concolor in the northeastern German lowlands
Paul Heydeck, Robert Merkel, Christine Dahms, Kati Hielscher

04-2 - Diplodia-tip blight and the endophytes of Scots pine
Johanna Bußkamp, Gitta Jutta Langer

04-3 - The current mass propagation of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L., Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) in Bavaria and options for measures of plant protection in forests
Gabriela Lobinger, Hannes Lemme

04-4 - Model-based risk assessment of oak processionary moth
Paula Halbig, Anne-Sophie Stelzer, Peter Baier, Horst Delb, Axel Schopf

04-5 - Effects of insecticides and feeding damage on beetle community in pine forests
Antje Förster, Nadine Bräsicke

04-6 - Pesticide usage in forestry when its availabity is limited
Peter Eichel

04-7 - Pesticides taboo: Bark-beetle management at the newly established Black Forest National Park
Horst Delb, Reinhold John

04-8 - Forestry Quarantine international – working groups, goals and concepts
Thomas Schröder


