Sektion 6 Integrierter Pflanzenschutz II


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06-1 - Possibilities and limits of resistant winter wheat cultivars to minimize fungicide applications
Bettina Klocke, Nicole Sommerfeldt, Michael Baumecker, Frank Ellmer, Andreas Jacobi, Jan Petersen, Jürgen Schwarz, Peter Wehling

06-2 - Field trials to estimate the interaction of fungicide intensity, cultivar and previous crop on the severity of eyespot infestation in wheat
Peter Dapprich, Verena Haberlah-Korr

06-3 - Krankheitsresistenz klimaangepasster Gerstensorten
Felix Hoheneder, Michael Heß, Ralph Hückelhoven

06-4 - Investigations to control Claviceps purpurea, the ergot causing pathogen, using variety resistance and fungicide application
Bernd Rodemann

06-5 - Snow mold on leaves: Results from monitoring, field trials and infection studies as a basis for targeted control in the field
Michael Heß, Magdalena Dotzler, Magdalena Wurmdobler, Alexander Hüßner, Sieglinde Kolbe, Ralph Hückelhoven

06-6 - Prevalence and impact of SDHI Fungicide resistance in Alternaria solani
Nicole Metz, Ralph Hückelhoven, Hans Hausladen

06-7 - Prevalence and impact of Qol fungicide resistance in Alternaria solani
Birgit Adolf, Nicole Metz, Nicole Chaluppa, Ralph Hückelhoven, Hans Hausladen

06-8 - Control of potato early blight using "biologicals"
Nicole Metz, Nicole Chaluppa, Hans Hausladen


