Sektion 7 Herbologie / Unkrautbekämpfung / Herbizide II


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07-1 - Investigation of crop management strategies for control of herbicide-resistant blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides)
Christina Wellhausen, Lena Ulber, Dagmar Rissel

07-2 - Studies on the resistance of blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) against propyzamid and other herbicides
Jörg Becker, Annelene Blanke, Tobias Meinhold, Eileen Paterson, Morten Nygaard

07-3 - Investigations on the appearance of multi resistant ryegrass in the south of the Federal State Hessen
Dominik Dicke, Thomas Bickhardt

07-4 - Herbicide resistance in Echinochloa crus-galli – degree of resistance, mechanisms, spatial distribution and consequences for counteractive measures
Anja Löbmann, Martin Schulte, Fabian Runge, Dagmar Rissel, Jan Petersen

07-5 - Inheritance of ALS inhibitor resistance traits in Tripleurospermum perforatum
Lena Ulber, Dagmar Rissel

07-6 - Multiple herbicide resistance in Amaranthus sp.
Jan Petersen

07-7 - Efficiency of Triazin and/or triazinone-containing active ingredient combinations to combat goosefoot origins with point mutation
Franz Stuke, Verena Haberlah-Korr, Antje-Viola Kalfa

07-8 - Impact of different temperatures on the efficacy of ALS herbicides in Echinochloa crus-galli
Dagmar Rissel, Andrés Hernández Reyes, Lena Ulber


