Sektion 41 Entscheidungshilfen im Pflanzenschutz / Prognose / Monitoring I


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41-1 - Extreme weather monitoring and risk assessment - decision support for agricultural extreme weather management
Sandra Krengel, Markus Möller, Jörn Strassemeyer, Burkhard Golla

41-2 - Practical experiences in the use of the Universal Monitoring Tool in ISIP
Manfred Röhrig, Bruno Kessler, Reinhard Sander

41-3 - GIS-based risk assessment of the spread of Flavescence dorée phytoplasmas from wild habitats to neighbouring vineyards
Wolfgang Jarausch, Franziska Bischoff, Miriam Runne, Matthias Trapp

41-4 - Survey for Flavescence dorée (FD)-related phytoplasmas and potential vectors in Southwesetrn Germany and neighbouring regions
Barbara Jarausch, Sandra Biancu, Friederike Lang, Michael Maixner

41-5 - Experimental approaches to identify characteristic changes in spectral reflectance of lettuce plants infested with aphids
Laura Verena Junker, Hannah Jaenicke, Uwe Rascher, Onno Muller

41-6 - Aculops lycopersici (Tryon, 1917) – pest detection with spectroscopic imaging and non imaging methods on tomato plants
Alexander Pfaff, Albrecht Serfling, Elias Böckmann, Martin Hommes

41-7 - Field distance, field density and pre-infestation level determine pea moth (Cydia nigricana) infestation in grain peas
Natalia Riemer, Manuela Schieler, Helmut Saucke

41-8 - CYDNIGPRO’ - the decision support system to prevent damage on peas caused by pea moths
Manuela Schieler, Natalia Riemer, Helmut Saucke, Bernd Hoffmann, Paolo Racca


