Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau, Urbanen Grün, Obstbau, Weinbau und Hopfenbau


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031 - Basis substances in plant protection
Claudia Willmer

032 - Plant Protection Products in Home & Garden use – Requirements and Evaluation procedure
Bülent Soyalan, Regina Fischer, Martina Utenwiehe, Eva Budde

033 - Plant protection for landscape gardeners is complicated - the balancing act between private gardens and areas for the general public
Claudia Willmer, Antje Frers

034 - Improving the availability of plant protection solutions in minor uses of vegetables and fruits by collaborative work in the European Commodity Expert Group fruits and vegetables
Gabriele Leinhos, Ingeborg Koch

035 - Entwicklung der Lückenindikation in Heil- und Gewürzpflanzen – Rückblick und Ausblick
Marut Krusche

036 - Use of biochar for immobilization of heavy metals and their application in allotment gardens
Nicole Ensslen, Nadine Herwig, Dieter Felgentreu, Robert Wagner, Konstantin Terytze

037 - How do you recognize a garden that offers little to the beneficials?
Georg Henkel

038 - How do you recognize a garden that benefits beneficial organisms?
Georg Henkel

039 - Biodiversität von Insekten in Strauchbeeren: erfassen, dokumentieren und als Datenbank nutzbar machen
Olaf Zimmermann, Harald Schneller, Sibylle Rumsey

040 - Untersuchungen zum Auftreten von Insekten im integrierten und biologischen Apfelanbau
Johannes Werth, Wolfgang Kreckl, Ullrich Benker, Birgit Zange

041 - Biodiversity of hymenopterous Parasitoids in German apple orchards
Helen Pfitzner, Annette Herz

042 - Plant protection products: Friend or enemy of the codling moth parasitoid Ascogaster quadridentata (Hymentoptera, Braconidae)
Samantha Lara Wolf, Helen Pfitzner, Annette Herz

043 - Boosting agro-biodiversity in pome fruit production
Silvia Matray, Annette Herz, Lukas Pfiffner, Francois Warlop, Lene Sigsgaard

044 - Impact of apple replant disease (ARD) on soil mesofauna biodiversity
Julia Michaelis, Rainer Meyhöfer

045 - Effects of apple replant disease (ARD) on patch selection behavior of Collembola
Nilupuli Thushangi, Rainer Meyhöfer

046 - Extreme weather events and plant protection of apple, asparagus, wine and hope
Petra Seidel

047 - Field experiments for fire blight control (Erwinia amylovora) in 2017 and 2018
Arno Fried, Annette Wensing, Dennis Mernke, Wilhelm Jelkmann

048 - Ascospore release in apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) underlies infrared sensation
Katja Ehlert, Meike Piepenbring, Andreas Kollar

049 - Pests and diseases of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), the tree of the year 2018
Thomas Schröder, Jörg Schumacher, Nadine Bräsicke

050 - Phyllosticta thujae – a new disease on arborvitae in Austria
Astrid Plenk

051 - Susceptibility of Buxus towards Phytophthora
Monika Götz, Stefan Wagner, Sabine Werres

052 - Distribution of methiocarb in roses after spray application
Detlef Schenke, Elisabeth Götte, Dieter Felgentreu, Thomas Thieme

053 - Experiments with herbicides in fennel in Saxony-Anhalt
Annette Kusterer, Marut Krusche, Isolde Reichardt

054 - Impact of Fusarium ssp. on asparagus root system under controlled conditions
Roxana Djalali Farahani-Kofoet, Katja Witzel, Jan Graefe, Rita Grosch, Rita Zrenner

055 - Mycotoxins in Strawberrys under plasticmulching – risk assessment and legal framework
Sarah Groschupp, Johanna Girardi, Maximillian Meyer, Miriam Schaefer, Katherine Muñoz

057 - Effects of an Electrolytic disinfection of nutrient solution on tomato plants
Kira Köpke, Martina Bandte, Susanne von Bargen, Sonja Dallmann, Stephanie Fürl, Hans-Marlon Rodriguez, Ingo Schuch, Gao Yuan, Uwe Schmidt, Carmen Büttner


