Pflanzenschutzmittel und -wirkstoffe


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167 - Activity of seed treatments with sedaxane on foliar Monographella nivalis infections
Ronald Zeun, Daniel Dollinger

168 - In vitro-screening method for fungicide efficacy evaluation against different Fusarium species
Bernd Rodemann, Tim Baumgarten

169 - Vergleich der Toleranzniveaus von Fusarium gegenüber Azolen nach verschiedenen Fungizidbehandlungen im Weizen
Sandra Suske, Iris Eisermann, Holger B. Deising, Stefan Wirsel

170 - Efficacy evaluation of different group of fungicides on disease severity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and yield of winter oilseed rape
Nazanin Zamani-Noor

171 - Use of Fluopyram on grapevine and other crops without crop growth distortion
Tobias Bendig, Frank Kuhmann, Gilbert Labourdette, Ludger Triebus, Sybille Lamprecht, Kevin Doughty

172 - Viticulture fungicides wash-off from foliar surfaces: Laboratory-scale test system to derive relative wash-off factors
Victor Gourlay, Bastian Fuß, Gunnar Fent, Roland Kubiak

173 - Mechanisms of metabolism of the new post-emergent herbicide halauxifen-methyl (Arylex™ active) in crop plant tissue
Jörg Becker, Wolfgang Dietrichs, Matthias Donner, Marcin Dzikowski

174 - Beloukha® – a natural herbicide with multiple fields of application
Daniel Rieger, Stephan Reimann

175 - Sales quantity of pesticides with regards to different indices of the intensity evaluation
Jürgen Schwarz, Bettina Klocke, Sandra Krengel, Hella Kehlenbeck, Silke Dachbrodt-Saaydeh, Dietmar Roßberg


