Prognose / Monitoring / Entscheidungshilfen im Pflanzenschutz / Informationsnetzwerke


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211 - Knowledge and information are necessities for successful adaptation to climate change: KLIMAPS-JKI
Petra Seidel, Jörg Sellmann

212 - Die Ringversuchsgruppe geht online:
Ruben Gödecke*, Eberhard Cramer, Christian Wolff, Elke Bergmann, Katrin Ewert, Katrin Gößner, Stefania Kupfer, Christine Tümmler, Andela Thate, Ewa Meinlschmidt, Heiko Schmalstieg

213 - 15 Years ISIP – (information system for integrated plant production) - in Brandenburg
Stefania Kupfer, Sylvia Knopke

214 - DSS-IWM: Ein verbessertes Entscheidungshilfesystem für die integrierte Unkrautbekämpfung in Winterweizen und Mais
Heidrun Bückmann, Ole Mission Bøjer, Jose Maria Montull, Manfred Röhrig, Per Rydahl, Andreu Taberner, Arndt Verschwele

215 - Development of an online decision support for the calculation of the necessary application rates of growth regulators in winter cereals (OPTIREG)
Kira Baumgarten, Paolo Racca, Benno Kleinhenz, Joachim Kakau

216 - Developing an online diagnostic tool for pest organisms in organic broadacre- and fruit cropping:
Sara Preissel, Stefan Kühne, Ulrike Kreysa, Anne Vogelsang

217 - Program introduction: Decission support and documentation system for plant protection in protected horticulture
Alexander Pfaff, Elias Böckmann, Rainer Meyhöfer, Martin Hommes

218 - Studies on the epidemiology of Trioza apicalis in organic carrot cultivation in Lower Saxony, Germany
Jasmin Sauer, Quentin Schorpp, Peter Hondelmann, Rainer Meyhöfer, Martin Hommes

219 - Survey of the migrational behaviour of carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis) and implications for monitoring
Peter Hondelmann, Rainer Meyhöfer

220 - Development of prognosis models for leguminous pests (Cydia nigricana) in Saxony-Anhalt
Charlotte Clemenz, Kristin Schwabe, Manuela Schieler, Benno Kleinhenz, Natalia Riemer, Helmut Saucke

221 - Ontogenesis models to predict time of possible infestation of host plants with Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii)
Claudia Tebbe, Marion Gradl, Mandy Püffeld, Paolo Racca

222 - DrosoMon: Ein Web-basiertes Monitoring-, Analyse- und Visualisierungswerkzeug zum Auftreten und der Ausbreitung der Kirschessigfliege
Christoph Sinn, Felix Briem, Anto Raja Dominic, Burkhard Golla, Heidrun Vogt

223 - SIMKEF – A Decision Support System for prognosticating population dynamics and infestation risk in orchards and vineyards by the spotted-wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii)
Jeanette Jung, Marion Gradl, Uwe Harzer, Benno Kleinhenz, Kirsten Köppler, Mandy Püffeld, Paolo Racca, Karl-Josef Schirra, Claudia Tebbe, Alicia Winkler

224 - Partial area-specific prognosis for the spatial distribution of stem base diseases in winter wheat
Marco Herrmann, Benno Kleinhenz

225 - Disease-yield loss relationships in maize caused by Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Kabatiella eyespot disease in Germany
Sebastian Streit, Andreas von Tiedemann

226 - Estimation of the risk of infection probability of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, Zymoseptoria tritici, Puccinia triticina and Puccinia striiformis in spring
Uwe Preiß, Paolo Racca, Meike Piepenbring

227 - (CERCBET 3+ - new action threshold against Cercospora beticola (Sacc.) in sugar beet based on white sugar yield and infection pressure)
Juliane Schmitt, Benno Kleinhenz, Peter Risser, Johann Maier, Paolo Racca


