Risk Assessment of Pesticides and the role of EFSA


  • Karin M. Nienstedt EFSA, Largo N. Palli 5a, Parma, Italy


contribution to session II

Test and risk assessment

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was created by the Regulation EC 178/2002 on 28 January 2002 with the mandate to provide scientific advice and support for the European Community policies in all fields with impact on food and feed safety. The PPR Unit (Plant Protection Products and their Residues Unit, Risk Assessment Directorate) as well as the Pesticides/PRAPeR Unit (Scientific Cooperation and Assistance Directorate) both works on Plant Protection Products in relation to Directive 91/414 EEC. PRAPeR coordinates the Pesticide Risk Assessment Peer Review for the approval of active substances by the European Commission and the Members States, whereas the PPR Panel provides independent scientific opinions and guidance for the Community’s legislation in the field of plant protection products.

 Actual examples have been presented regarding the role, working procedures and results of the PPR Panel and PRAPeR in relation to the risk assessment of plant protection products to bees (e.g. EFSA-Opinions, EFSA-Conclusions). Information on on-going and scheduled work of the PPR Panel in this area have also been mentioned. In line with EFSAs commitment for transparency, details of the ongoing work are published on www.efsa.europa.eu.



