Honey bee brood ring-test: method for testing pesticide toxicity on honeybee brood in laboratory conditions


  • Pierrick Aupinel Unité expérimentale d’entomologie, INRA, Le Magneraud, BP 52, 17700 Surgères, France
  • Dominique Fortini Unité expérimentale d’entomologie, INRA, Le Magneraud, BP 52, 17700 Surgères, France
  • Bruno Michaud Unité expérimentale d’entomologie, INRA, Le Magneraud, BP 52, 17700 Surgères, France
  • Piotr Medrzycki Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Unità di Ricerca di Apicoltura e Bachicoltura, Via di Saliceto 80, 40128 Bologna, Italia
  • Erica Padovani Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Unità di Ricerca di Apicoltura e Bachicoltura, Via di Saliceto 80, 40128 Bologna, Italia
  • Dunja Przygoda Bayer CropScience AG, Ecotoxicology, 6620, Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50, 40789 Monheim, Germany
  • Christian Maus Bayer CropScience AG, Ecotoxicology, 6620, Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50, 40789 Monheim, Germany
  • Jean-Daniel Charriere Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux ALP, Schwarzenburgstrasse 163, CH - 3003 Berne Switzerland
  • Verena Kilchenmann Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux ALP, Schwarzenburgstrasse 163, CH - 3003 Berne Switzerland
  • Ulrike Riessberger-Galle Institut für Zoologie, Abteilung Stoffwechselphysiologie und Verhalten, Universitätsplatz 2, A-8010 Graz, Austria.
  • Jutta Juliane Vollmann Institut für Zoologie, Abteilung Stoffwechselphysiologie und Verhalten, Universitätsplatz 2, A-8010 Graz, Austria.
  • Lukas Jeker Harlan Laboratories Ltd. Zegliwed 1 CH-4452 Itingen Switzerland
  • Martina Janke LAVES Laves Institut für bienenkunde Celle, Germany
  • Jean-François Odoux Unité expérimentale d’entomologie, INRA, Le Magneraud, BP 52, 17700 Surgères, France
  • Jean-Noël Tasei Unité expérimentale d’entomologie, INRA, Le Magneraud, BP 52, 17700 Surgères, France


contribution to session IV Test methodology The Experimental unit of entomology (INRA, France) developed a new in vitro method to assess effects of pesticides on honey bee larvae. The method consists in rearing bee larvae in plastic cells. The larvae are fed with diet containing 50% of fresh royal jelly and 50% of an aqueous sugar and yeast extract solution, and reared in an incubator at 35 °C and 96% relative humidity. According to that method, 9 tests (7 in 2008 and 2 in 2005) were carried out in 7 laboratories and different countries. The objective of these trials was to assess the LD50 for dimethoate 48 hours after an acute exposure. The LD50 values ranged from 1.5 μg a.i./larva to 8.8 μg a.i./larva, with 2 tests with particularly high values (5.0 and 8.8 μg a.i./larva). In 7 tests, these values ranged from 1.5 μg a.i./larva to 3.1 μg a.i./larva. Such variability may be due to the colony origin, the season and larva heterogeneity at grafting. Solutions are proposed to improve the method through the continuation of the ring test. Keywords: Apis mellifera, brood, in vitro test, dimethoate


