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  • 167 - Swiss NEMA-BOL: Barcoding von Nematoden in der Schweiz – Proof of Concept
    Swiss NEMA-BOL: Barcoding of Swiss Soil Nematodes – a Proof of Concept
    Sebastian Kiewnick, Jürg-Ernst Frey
  • 168 - Validierung des Flotationsverfahrens für Zystennematoden
    Validation of the flotation method to detect cystnematodes
    Uwe Preiß, Bernd Augustin, Judith Ginsberg
  • 169 - Influence of Beauveria bassiana on potato tuber damage and reproduction potential of D. destructor and D. dipsaci
    P. Mwaura, , B. Niere, S. Vidal
  • 170 - Characterization of Heterodera schachtii populations
    Luma Albanna, Abdelnaser Elashry, Samer Habash, Michaela Schlathölter, Florian M. W. Grundler
  • 171 - Virulence characterization of cereal cyst nematode populations (Heterodera avenae Wollenweber) from Egypt and host responses of wheat cultivars
    Mohamed Baklawa, Björn Niere, Samia Massoud
  • 172 - Integrierte Kontrolle des Rübenzystennematoden Heterodera schachtii - Zwischenfruchtanbau, Nematizideinsatz, Sortenwahl
    Integrated control of sugar beet cyst nematodes Heterodera schachtii - Catch crops, Nematicides, Sugar beet genotypes
    Melanie Hauer, Stefan Mittler, Andreas Windt, Heinz-Josef Koch
  • 173 - Impact of controlled soil heating on Heterodera schachtii population dynamics on different sugar beet cultivars
    Bart Vandenbossche, Björn Niere, Stefan Vidal
  • 174 - Wirkdauer thermischer Bodenentseuchung gegen Wurzelgallennematoden im Gewächshaus
    Efficacy of thermal soil disinfestation against root-knot nematodes in greenhouses
    Reinhard Eder, Irma Roth, Sebastian Kiewnick
  • 174a - Impact of Meloidogyne hapla initial population densities on damage threshold to three rose rootstock species
    Beira-Hailu Meressa, , Heinz-Wilhelm Dehne, Johannes Hallmann


