Trendy ornamentals for excited consumers – A challenge!


  • Hendrik Theobald Innovaplant GmbH & Co KG, Binger Straße 31, 55457 Gensingen



In-vitro-Vermehrung, Proven WinnersTM, Züchtung


Kientzler is a member of ornamental plant business for more than 113 years. In the meantime, about 1,000 people are employed during the main season at the family-owned enterprise and Kientzler`s subsidiaries Innovaplant and Innovaplant de Costa Rica. Inflora, a tissue culture Lab located in Krakow, with its CEO Iris Kientzler is principally involved in mass propagation of perennials. In Europe, sales and distribution of young plants is mainly covered by Kientzler, whereas for the US market, plants are mostly produced from Innovaplant de Costa Rica. Kientzler is an active partner in the Proven WinnersTM group, a worldwide network of likeminded companies with the idea to bring innovative products to the market around the globe. Kientzler feeds the group with genetics, elite material and URC production. To supply the rapid changing market with new and trendy products, Kientzler is introducing every year more than 200 new varieties. That means, breeders of the Kientzler group check every year more than 100,000 seedlings and 3,000 of them will be tested every year in special trials at different locations. Through the application of innovative breeding methods, often in combination with biotechnology, we create fascinating products, which excite our customers.

Author Biography

Hendrik Theobald, Innovaplant GmbH & Co KG, Binger Straße 31, 55457 Gensingen







4 Praktische Pflanzenzüchtung und Ausbildung des Züchternachwuchses