On the future use of glyphosate in arable farming systems - a discussion statement


  • Horst-Henning Steinmann Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Zentrum für Biodiversität und nachhaltige Landnutzung, Grisebachstr. 6, 37077 Göttingen
  • Ludwig Theuvsen Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung, Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Agribusiness, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen
  • Bärbel Gerowitt Universität Rostock, Arbeitsgruppe Phytomedizin, Satower Straße 48, 18051 Rostock




The European re-approval of glyphosate was not decided when this text was going to press. In case of a reapproval of glyphosate based herbicides (GBH), restrictions for users are expected. Negative impact on wildlife and biodiversity has to be taken into account. Furthermore, a debate on the necessity of a use reduction of GBH is on the way. This contribution gives an overview of the current discussion and the pros and cons of measures to reduce glyphosate amount and compensate for impact on biodiversity.


