Clearfield®-Clentiga® Runway Pack: A flexible solution for complete post-emergence weed control in winter oilseed rape


  • Alfons Schönhammer BASF SE, Agrarzentrum Limburgerhof, 67117 Limburgerhof, Germany
  • Hagen Bremer BASF SE, Agrarzentrum Limburgerhof, 67117 Limburgerhof, Germany
  • Joachim Freitag BASF SE, Agrarzentrum Limburgerhof, 67117 Limburgerhof, Germany



Clearfield-Clentiga, which has been registered since 2015, is designed for post-emergence use in Clearfield winter oilseed rape, and allows for the complete elimination of pre-emergence/early post-emergence soil herbicides. As an ideal partner for Clearfield-Clentiga (1.0 L / ha + 1.0 L / ha Dash E.C.), 0.2 L / ha of Runway has excelled in practice and in trials.
The very good crop tolerance of the Clearfield herbicides is not significantly influenced in the combination with Runway. Occasional temporary leaf deformations typical of synthetic auxin herbicides do not interfere with further rape development.
The Clearfield-Clentiga Runway Pack's spectrum of activity includes all 28 tested dicotyledonous weed species, and, with the exception of blackgrass, also grasses, including volunteer cereals. Particularly noteworthy are the excellent efficacy against all cruciferous weed species including (non-Clearfield) volunteer oilseed rape, all compositae weeds including thistle, all umbelliferae weeds, cleavers, deadnettle, forget-me-not, poppy and all summery weeds. But also cranesbill species, which are very difficult to control in rapeseed, fumitory, speedwell, and pansy, belong to the very well controlled weeds. Clearfield-Clentiga Runway Pack shows a very good timing flexibility: In the tested range BBCH 11 – BBCH 14 of oilseed rape, the efficiency differed only insignificantly. The decisive factor for the active substances, which predominantly act via the leaves, is, that the weeds to be controlled have to be emerged and are not yet mutually covering or are not yet screened by the crop.
Under specific conditions, e.g. high infestation with blackgrass or cranesbill, Clearfield-Clentiga Runway Pack can also be used in spraying systems together with metazachlor, dimethenamid-P or propyzamide-containing herbicides. The reduction of the use of FOP and DIM herbicides, which is possible due to the good volunteer cereal control, is to be seen positively with regard to resistance management.


