Comparison of the growth and leaf mineral concentrations between three grapevine rootstocks and their corresponding tetraploids inoculated with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus <i>Gigaspora margarita</i>


  • H. Motosugi
  • Y. Yamamoto
  • T. Naruno
  • H. Kitabayashi
  • T. Ishii



grapevine rootstock, tetraploid, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Gigaspora margarita, shoot growth, root growth, P concentration


Effects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Gigaspora margarita BECKER and HALL on growth and leaf mineral concentrations of the tetraploid grapevine rootstocks Gloire de Montpellier (Gloire, Vitis riparia MICHX.), Rupestris St. George (St. George, V. rupestris SCHEELE), and Couderc 3309 (3309, V. riparia x V. rupestris) were compared with those of their corresponding diploids. The percentage of AM infection in the inoculated tetraploid grapevines of each rootstock was as high (above 90 %) as in the inoculated diploids. Shoot and root growth in the inoculated grapevines of each tetraploid was significantly higher than that in the non-inoculated grapevines. For the original diploid rootstocks, almost the same shoot and root growth was observed regardless of inoculation. Tetraploid and diploid rootstocks with AM fungi-inoculation had significantly higher P concentrations in the leaves than the non-inoculated grapevines, but tetraploid grapevines with AM fungi-inoculation had lower Ca and Mg concentrations. The tetraploid grapevines with thicker roots and more compact root systems were considered to depend more on arbuscular mycorrhizas than the original diploid rootstock cultivars.






