Guideline for selecting and establishing genetic reserves


  • Lothar Frese Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops, Germany
  • Maria Bönisch Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops, Germany



crop wild relatives, in situ conservation, genetic reserves, integrative approach, guideline


The genetic reserve conservation technique serves the active and long-term in situ and ex situ conservation of specific populations of wild plant species relevant for breeding. The sum of all genetic reserves should cover the genetic diversity of a species. This guide describes in eight steps a tested procedure for the planning and establishment of genetic reserves based on the experience gained from the model and demonstration project "Development of a nationwide network of genetic reserves for wild celery (GE-Sell)”. The first four steps describe the acquisition and preparation of distribution data of the target species as well as the selection and evaluation of sites and occurrences for genetic analyses. Step 5 is dedicated to genetic analyses and the evaluation of results. Step 6 to 8 deal with aspects of participatory project planning and the formal designation of genetic reserves and the establishment of an organisational structure necessary for the long-term management of a reserves network. The procedure presented combines the gene pool approach to the establishment of genetic reserves with elements of participatory planning of nature conservation projects. All stakeholders are involved as early as possible in the data collection, planning, analysis, interpretation of results and selection of genetic reserves. At the end of a jointly designed decision-making process, clearly defined genetic reserves are identified. Genetic reserves are a new component of species conservation. Therefore, this guideline cannot cover all aspects conclusively and the text also describes and discusses existing needs for action.


