Describing glyphosate use pattern in north German arable farming - Comparison of two different approaches


  • Jan-Erik Mutz Universität Rostock, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschafttliche Fakultät, Satower Straße 48, 18051 Rostock
  • Sabine Andert Universität Rostock, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschafttliche Fakultät, Satower Straße 48, 18051 Rostock
  • Armin Wiese Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Zentrum für Biodiversität und nachhaltige Landnutzung, Grisebachstr. 6, 37077 Göttingen
  • Horst-Henning Steinmann Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Zentrum für Biodiversität und nachhaltige Landnutzung, Grisebachstr. 6, 37077 Göttingen
  • Bärbel Gerowitt Universität Rostock, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschafttliche Fakultät, Satower Straße 48, 18051 Rostock



Glyphosate is the most used herbicide active ingredient in Germany. Numerous studies have been carried out in recent years to analyze Glyphosate use patterns arable farming. Two different empirical studies about the use of glyphosate in North Germany were combined for this paper. A combination of differently collected data sets allows an additional gain of knowledge about glyphosate use-pattern in German arable farming. Field records and questionnaire based survey data of farms in five North German districts (Diepholz, Uelzen, Rostock, Fläming and Oder-Spree) from both data sets were analyzed in detail. This is a new and innovative approach in agricultural science.
Questionnaire based surveys among farmers correspond predominantly with actual records. However, correspondence decreased as the detail of analysis increased.
In view of GBH use patterns, the study indicates that many farmers are not sensitized enough for the differentiation between the application purposes stubble treatment and pre-sowing applications. With regard to a possible future accompanying stewardship of glyphosate after re-evaluation, a consistent definition and awareness of application purposes would be preferable for all stakeholders in order to enable a solutionoriented debate.


