News from the Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality


Dear readers, authors, reviewers and fellow editors,

the new year is already one month old. Time for a small update on the Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality!

Last year, we published 27 original research articles (read full issue at from a total of 119 submitted manuscripts. Several submissions are still under review.

Our impact factor improved to 1.451.

The publication charge for non-society-members remains stable at 400€ (incl. VAT), with possible waivers for authors from low-income and lower-middle-income economies. In 2021, two articles received a 100% waiver and where published free of charge for the authors. For two other articles, a reduced article processing charge of 260€ was applied.

The average journal usage is about 200 fulltext pdf downloads per day. We are working on including a download and view counter on the article pages to give better feedback to the authors.

Last year, we have partnered with ORCID and are now a data provider. Upon publication, our authors have the chance to import their new article directly into their ORCID profile.

But now lets talk about new developments this year! We have just opened this year’s Special Section with the title “Applied Botany for Sustainability”. With this special section, we offer the opportunity to demonstrate how applied botany can contribute to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030". They were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly. You can find more details on the special section and many suggestions for suitable topics at the journal’s website.

 We invite everyone to participate by submitting a manuscript until August 31, 2022!

This special section is also connected to the symposium “Applied Botany for Sustainability” by the Section Applied Botany of the DGB at this year’s International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences. If you plan to contribute to the symposium, we invite you to submit a connected manuscript to the Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality until May 31, 2022.

This newsletter will be send only once or twice a year and contains general information on the journal’s work. If you want to receive information on newly published content, feel free to subscribe to our rss feed or follow us on Twitter, if you aren’t already.

Thank you all for supporting the journal by reading, providing reviews and of course by publishing your work.

Your JABFQ Editorial Team