Prospects for Stored Product Pests


  • Christoph Reichmuth Julius Kühn-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz, Berlin



Stored product pests, stored product protection, control, prevention, prospects


The recent history of stored product protection serves for an outlook towards the near future of this applied research area and its important organisms. Other than usual, the prospects are described out of the angle of the pests, especially certain specialised insect species. For instance, synthetic contact insecticides lost their impact after use over decades due to occurrence of pest resistance and human concerns against use of such chemicals out of health reasons and considerations for the pro­tection of the environment. The physical and chemical methods suitable for prevention and control of pest organisms are described in short terms. Also biological control is mentioned as a growing area of stored product protection. Because of their evolution over millions of years, the pest organisms on the other side seem obviously very well prepared against the still not fully effective if not futile human attempts for prevention and control. In short, the full program of stored product protection as applied by man is described and evaluated including the mentioning of the legal boundary conditions and a series of key publications, many from scientists of the former Institute for Stored Product Protection in Berlin. In conclusion, the author sees himself with respect forced to acknowledge to the stored product pest organisms a future that will not always be simple but secure.



