Effect of straw addition to fertilization with fermentation residue on emissions of greenhouse gases from soil


  • Friedhelm Herbst Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Professur für Pflanzenernährung
  • Oliver Spott Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, Department Bodenphysik
  • Wolfgang Gans Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Professur für Pflanzenernährung




Fertilization of fermentation residue, straw application, nitrogen, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ammonia, denitrification


As part of a project to mitigate the release of greenhouse gases due to fermentation residue fertilization the effect of an additional straw application was tested at laboratory scale. It was found that carbon dioxide release was in general markedly increased, while ammonia emission was reduced by straw application. By contrast, nitrous oxide was differently affected by the addition of straw inasmuch as either a reduction or an increase of emission rates was observed. An application of ammonium or nitrate fertilizer revealed an increase of nitrous oxide release in the presence of straw. Concerning ammonium fertilization, however, the release of nitrous oxide was higher compared to that of nitrate fertilization. In addition, the application of straw reduced both the content of mineral nitrogen in the soil as well as the amount of total soil nitrogen. Therefore, the addition of straw might even have been resulted in an increased release of dinitrogen.







Original Article