Investigation of brown asparagus spears with specific consideration of <em>Fusarium</em> and virus infections in asparagus plantations of Saxony-Anhalt


  • Thomas Nothnagel Julius Kühn-Institut, Institut für Züchtungsforschung an gartenbaulichen Kulturen und Obst, Quedlinburg
  • Reiner Krämer Julius Kühn-Institut, Institut für Züchtungsforschung an gartenbaulichen Kulturen und Obst, Quedlinburg
  • Lutz Schreyer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft Forsten und Gartenbau, Quedlinburg-Ditfurt
  • Frank Rabenstein Julius Kühn-Institut, Institut für Epidemiologie und Pathogendiagnostik, Quedlinburg



Asparagus officinalis, Fusarium spp., Virus diseases, AV-1, AV-2, CMV, ArMV, TSV, ELISA


Asparagus producers report about increasing asparagus browning of spears in the field. The reason is unknown. Contrary, a general strong infestation of asparagus with Fusarium spp. and viruses, especially the Asparagus virus 1 (AV-1) is known. The recent study was carried out to investigate the status quo of asparagus browning, infestation with Fusarium spp. and viruses within asparagus plantation in Saxony-Anhalt.

A total of 429 spears obtained from 14 companies, 27 plantations and 7 asparagus cultivars were investigated. 60.4% of spears have been shown symptoms of browning and 28.4% Fusarium spp. after in vitro incubation. In 92.8% of spears AV-1 was observed via ELISA, in 31.9% the Asparagus virus 2 (AV-2) and in 84.6% the Cucumber mosaic virus CMV. The Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) was detected in 3.5% of spears only, the Tobacco streak virus (TSV) in none of spears. Merely 2 spears (0.5%) were free of virus. Differences in the level of infestation were observed between the plantations but not between cultivars. Possible relations between the different diseases investigated are discussed.







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