Nitrogen treatment against material pests


  • Stephan Biebl Fachberatung für Schädlingsbekämpfung, Benediktbeuern
  • Christoph Reichmuth Julius Kühn-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz, Berlin



Drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum, material protection, nitrogen, inert atmospheres


The drugstore beetle Stegobium paniceum belongs to the most frequent pest insects in households and drugstores. But it can also cause massive and irreversible damages on leather and bindings of precious historical books. Case studies together with broad discussions of literature data demonstrate the practical use of alternative measures to prevent material pest insect infestation in archives or control it. Mobile electrical cooling units for reducing the temperature for prevention of mass development of insect pests, application of biological antagonists as possible control agents of the drugstore beetles, use of sticky traps with pheromone baits for early pest detection and finally the use of nitrogen for pest control are described and discussed.



