Effectiveness of huntingbreaks for the black boar management in agriculture landscape


  • Friedrich Kerkhof Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Fachbereich Agrarwirtschaft, Soest




Black boar management, black boar, huntingbreaks, corn cultivation, wild damage


As part of the model project “black boar management in the agriculture landscape”, which has been promoted by the Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protec­tion, the effectiveness of hunting corridors for the black boar management was examined. The project lasted from 2008 to 2010. Against the background of the concentration of corn cultivation in some regions, economically sustainable solutions should be found to contain the wild damages. In each year during the project period, 7–10 farms with different farm structures and field sizes were included. The focus was on planting huntingbreaks in corn fields. The experiments are concerned as case studies. From these results tendencies could be derived. Overall, a large variance of the results was found. This is caused by the different natural conditions and farm structures. However, it is also assumed that the influence of management on the success of huntingbreaks is comparatively high. The huntingbreaks are very popular among hunters and farmers because they have been proved to be practical and multifunctional. Huntingbreaks are an important component for a comprehensive and territorial overlap hunting of black boar. They thereby contribute to the prevention and reduction of wild damage in the field. In addition, a number of positive nature- and environmental protection effects have been signed. By the loosening of large areas and the connected creation of borderline effects, the positive effect on breeders and low-wild species as well as the contribution to the protection against soil erosion in the form of grasslands in corn fields can be mentioned as examples. In addition, the research project has also shown that the key to effective hunting of black boar and the resulting wild damage is the cooperation between hunters, landowners and farmers. Close consultations throughout the whole economic and hunting year are essential for an effective black boar management. It has been confirmed that a territorial overlap hunting concept, which contain the total area, is particularly effective and constructive. However, the planting of huntingbreaks, even with optimal economic management, is associated with financial costs for the farmer. To limit economic damage on huntingbreaks, a specific farm and location concept is necessary.





Short Communication