Assessment of damages by wild boars – legal situations, methods, data


  • Volker Wolfram Öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter landwirtschaftlicher Sachverständiger, Hessen



Compensations, hunting laws, calculation procedures, maize, grassland


The regulation of wild damages is unambiguously regulated in the federal hunting law as well as in the hunting laws of the individual Laender (federal states). Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge about the procedure, observances of time limits and the realization of on-site inspections lead to discrepancies between the partners. Know­ledge about the land management on site as well as assessment methods is necessary to determine damages. Prin­cipally company-specific data and site-specific data should be used. Tables of the regional authorities and the unions of farmers merely serve as rough orientation values. Due to nonobservance of the actuality and the application instructions, it often comes to false estimations. In particular, the market values, which change yearly since 2007, require knowledge about the present price level. The professional associations are required to make available and to educate a suitable number of damage assessors, so that the procedure can be carried out without complaints.





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